William Hall’s new fully electric Superior eVito meets community demand for greener vehicles on the Isle of Wight

William Hall Funeral Directors, based in Newchurch on the Isle of Wight, recently took delivery of a new eVito 66kWh fully-electric removal vehicle from Superior UK Automotive Ltd, complete with Superior ‘Rise&Fall’ decking. For over 30 years, this popular and well-respected independent firm has supported thousands of families across the island with dignity, care and professionalism and has become an important part of the community they serve.  

With rolling downs, flourishing wildlife and beautiful coastlines, the Isle of Wight’s proud inhabitants are passionate about protecting the island’s environment and have quickly embraced ‘green’ solutions, including the transition to electric vehicles. 

William Hall, who founded William Hall Funeral Directors in 1992, explains why he feels it is important that local businesses do the same and why the Superior eVito was the clear choice for his firm.  

William Hall commented, “The community here are more aware of the environment, especially being a small island – we have seen a transition to electric vehicles in the Isle of Wight more so than on the mainland, and our new Superior eVito not only benefits our business but it stays true to what people want”.


Our new Superior eVito is the perfect fit; it is so quiet and smooth to drive”

William Hall Funeral Directors also own Springwood Woodland Cemetery, which, when it opened in 1995, was one of the first woodland burial sites in the country – the firm is currently planning to expand The Woodland Cemetery and work on its new crematorium will commence next year.” 

William commented, “We have always been environmentally conscious. Our woodland cemetery is a peaceful, tranquil place of outstanding natural beauty, and like the rest of the island, we intend to keep it that way.” He added, “Our new Superior eVito is the perfect fit; it is so quiet and smooth to drive, which makes a huge difference – especially around residential homes at night.”

Superior UK’s Jon Helm, who delivered the eVito, commented, “This is the first Superior eVito built with double decks – we have redesigned the hydraulic ‘Rise&Fall’ deck system to work with the load constraints of the new battery-powered eVito. He added, “We are proud to offer an uncompromised, fully-electrified version of our range-topping VIP removal vehicle with unequalled build quality, unique storage solutions and the hearse-like interior aesthetics for which we are renowned.”

“No range issues at all”

William commented, “The configuration is excellent – we have ample room for four stretchers and stops to safely carry four coffins, which is ideal for direct cremations, and the deck is easy and smooth to load.” He added, “We operate throughout the island daily and have no range issues at all.”

The new eVito is not the first vehicle supplied by Superior; Peter Smith, the retired founder of Superior UK, supplied William Hall Funeral Directors with their first fleet of new Volvos in 1997, and they have purchased several removal vehicles since.

William commented, “Peter set us up with our first fleet of new vehicles on the island when we first started out – although we were a new, small business, the Smith family went above and beyond with unbeatable service, and we will never forget that.” He added, “We return to Superior as the same quality and service still stands today – loyalty and trust are important.”
